Here is an old project that has been in the works but I have not posted any Work In Progress pictures. I am working on this along with the RX-79(G). The project is inspired by the 08th MS team. No surprise really, since I am obsessed with all of the 08th MS Team Kits. This kit is seen in the first 2 episodes. The MS-06 Zaku II Rd-4 Model is a mix between the Zaku and Dom. This was a prototype suit piloted by Aina. Shiro was able to destroy it with a RB-79(K) Ball. But none the less this suit was pretty awesome looking.
Here are the first few Work In Progress pictures.
I was able to remove and modify the torso and modify it in a way to accept the Dom's waist. I put on the legs and decided to have the Zaku strike a pose.